Emergency PHC in Rubkona County
General information
Programme Title
Programme Goal
Major sector focus of the programme
Budget (2017)
Number of Direct Beneficiaries (Dis-aggregated by male/female and vulnerable group)
Scale of the Programme
Emergency response A and preparedness to the influx of IDPs to Rubkona County.
To Set up a satellite clinic for Malaria management and Comprehensive Primary Health Care.
Emergency Primary Health Care.
62,583 GBP
Health Pooled Fund
The targets were 12,642 Outpatient Consultation, 513 1st Antenatal visits. 100 malnourished children screened and reffered.2665 children received measles Vaccines.
Koithei Primary Health Care in Bentiu town, Bentiu Payam, andĀ Rubkona Payam all under Rubkona County
Programme Progress against Outcomes
On notification of the influx of IDPs in Bentiu town, an assessment was carried out to establish the needs of the vulnerable Population and the findings showed health services was lacking to the population as a resultĀ Children Aid South Sudan with Conjunction with its lead Coradid approached HPF for emergency funds in order to respond to observe need. HPF responded positivey.
The objective of the project was to set up a satellite clinic in Bentiu town to provide comprehensive Primary Health Care.
A total of 15 Staff were recruited to manage the clinic with 4 of the 15 being Support staff, 2 clearners and 2 guards. A separate tent was established to counsel GBV survivors and referral for further Management.
13 health facility staff, 4 females and 9 males were trained on psychosocial support and care for GBV survivors.
A total of 1,119 under 5 children consultations were conducted, while adult consultations were 3,064, 1st antenatal visit was 513.
A total of 61 children received measles vaccines. The Establishment of Koithei Clinic ensured basic primary health care services were provided to the population which also lessened the burden on Bentiu State hospital and Rubkona PHCC.